This layout offers great shunting possibilities on a small area.
Suggested rolling stock (Märklin): refrigerator car 4415, beer car 4419,
beer car 4421,
beer car 4439, boxcar 4410, refrigerator car 4414, low side car 4424,
stake car 4459, dump car 4413, gondola 4602, car transport 4612,
car transport 4613, tank car 4440, sliding roof gondola 46191, tank car 4442,
diesel locomotive 3464 (blue), TEE/IC dining car 4087, TEE/IC compartment car 4089,
express locomotive 3053 Area: 177 cm * 87 cm
The track plan to the right shows a point to point line with freight and passenger traffic.
Suggested rolling stock (Märklin): refrigerator car 4415, beer car 4421,
boxcar 4410, refrigerator car 4414, low side car 4424, stake car 4459,
dump car 4413, gondola 4602, car transport 4612, car transport 4613,
sliding roof gondola 46191, tank car 4442, diesel locomotive 3664 (red),
passenger car 4317, passenger car 4318, passenger car with baggage compartment 4319,
electric locomotive 3034, rail bus 3016, low side car 4471, crane car 4671
Area: 356 cm * 231 cm
This is another point to point line with freight and passenger traffic, thought to serve
a German post-war agricultural community with som industry.
Suggested rolling stock (Märklin): caboose 4889, boxcar 4700, gondola 4602, tank car 4872, tank car 4642,
tank car 4651, self-unloading car 4624, self-unloading car with
roof hatches 4626, low side car 4474, two-unit timber car 4665, deep loading car 4618, compartment car 4200, compartment car 4201, compartment car
4202, compartment car 4203, diesel locomotive 3664 (red), tank locomotive 30321,
tank locomotive 3096, tank locomotive 3309
Area: 284 cm * 231 cm
This is a point to point line with freight and somewhat museum-like passenger traffic.
Area: 242 cm * 357 cm
This layout shows a small end station with freight and museum-like passenger traffic.
Area: 221 cm * 226 cm
This layout is meant for the same theme as the previous one.
Area: 223 cm * 110 cm
This is another suggestion for the previous theme. 227 cm * 110 cm
Below, a more compact version that also shows how the circle and the turning loop can accommodate longer trains at the same time.
Area: 180 cm * 110 cm
Below, a version with an oval.
Area: 227 cm * 110 cm
The plan shows a small German end station with freight and passenger traffic.
It could be extended into a passage station. The loop could be concealed in a tunnel.
Area: 227 cm * 134 cm
The Swedish company TGOJ serves as model here. Freight and passenger trains run on a single track
Area: 365 cm * 231 cm
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 374 cm * 224 cm
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 262 cm * 218 cm.
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 222 cm * 188 cm.
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 375 cm * 215 cm
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 360 cm * 180 cm
Theme: station with freight and museum traffic on a double-track mainline.
Area: 360 cm * 180 cm
This layout has stations on two levels.
The loop is hidden under the bigger/upper station. Area: 226 cm * 195 cm
The traffic here is made up of a TEE train, a local freight
train and a museum train. The model is DB in the 1970's. The TEE train is to bee disturbed as
little as possible when freight cars are being moved between the six loading/marshalling tracks.
The destinations of the freight cars are decided by dice being rolled, and they are marked on a lego plate. The museum train disposes
space when the freight train does not run, that is when shunting is taking place on the track leading to the crane. The only
passenger station of the layout (at the straight side of the lower/left loop) is used by the
museum train. The cars of this train are parked on the track next to the engine stable. Click
the track plan to see photographs of the layout!
Area: 222 cm * 222 cm
This layout consists of a staion and a branch line,
to the right on the image.
The traffic is made up of a TEE train, a long distance freight train,
a local freight train and a museum train. Area: 236 cm * 275,5 cm
These track plans represent Märklin M layouts. The layouts with single lines representing tracks were made in the in France developed program
The layouts with contours representing tracks were made in SCARM (Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller).